Expert consultation

Solar projects involve specific topics that required specific attention. A road map from the vision to implementation can contain the following milestones:

Our guiding principles


Gaining a shared understanding

The focus is on the vision and the planned appearance of the overall project. The first technical approaches are outlined. Preferences regarding interfaces and consultation services are discussed.


In-depth introduction

The doors of Megasol are open for partners. A production tour in Deitingen shows how the company works and where the integrated solar modules come from.


Rough concept

Guiding ideas flow into a rough concept and are formalized as system principles. It is possible to make substantiated statements about investment and profitability. The first samples follow.


Detailed concept

The design and the systems are worked out in detail and specified. Developments and formalities are carried out. Further samples follow and are approved.



The solar modules are manufactured according to the agreed plans and designs. Support is ensured during the building phase and operation.

Support services


  • Detailed design options
  • Grid layout
  • Connection details / interfaces
  • String / inverter dimensioning
  • Specifications




  • Colour development
  • Samples / mock-ups
  • Product development (special solar modules / substructure)


You have a question? Contact us directly.

Weitere Themen

  • Design

    Solar modules are concluding their development towards a freely designable building material. The steps from the central idea to the solar module.
  • Contact persons

    Efficient and individual advice from A to Z. You have come to the right place with your questions.
  • References

    Satisfied partners and successful projects are the best reference for our company.